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Breast Health

ECHN’s breast health services encompass a full range of services to provide women easy access to clinical and support services. Services range from prevention education, screenings, diagnosis and treatment, counseling and recovery support for patients and their loved ones.

Breast Health Services

Breast Imaging
Breast imaging services include 3D mammography, digital mammography, ultrasonography, breast biopsy. Learn More >

Breast Care Collaborative
ECHN’s Breast Care Collaborative is a diverse network of specialists dedicated to addressing your needs and answering questions about overall breast health. Learn More >

Breast & Cervical Early Detection Program
Breast imaging services include 3D mammography, digital mammography, ultrasonography, breast biopsy. Learn More >

Breast Cancer Services
ECHN offers the most advanced diagnostics, cancer treatment, symptom management and support services available today all in one place. Learn More >

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation
ECHN’s cancer rehabilitation services are run by licensed experts who have specialized training in cancer-specific rehabilitation. Our cancer rehabilitation program is designed to help you improve your quality of life whether you’re living with cancer or are cancer-free following intensive treatment. Run by licensed experts who have specialized training. Learn More >


Early Detection and Prevention

Yearly Mammogram Appointments
Did you know that yearly mammograms are the most effective tool to detect breast cancer at the earliest and most treatable stage? ECHN’s Women’s Center for Wellness, a 2022 Women’s Choice Award® recipient as one of America’s Best Mammogram Imaging Centers, offers state-of-the-art mammography services to guarantee more accurate and reliable imaging options.

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Self-Check Breast Exams

While it is important to remain current on all yearly mammography appointments, conducting your own breast self-check is an additional tool you can use to increase breast cancer presentation measures. To complete a self-breast exam at home please use the steps below as a guide. Self-check breast exams can be done sitting or standing, and must be done with no clothes or bra on so you have a clear visual of your breast.

  1. Look in the mirror with your hands on your hips. Do you see any changes in the way your breast looks, such as redness or dimpling of the skin? 

  2. Look in the mirror and raise your arms. Does your breast move freely? Do you see any changes in your breasts? 

  3. Look for fluid from your nipple. Do not squeeze your nipple. If you see any fluid from your nipple, what does it look like? White, brownish, red?

  4. Lastly, feel your breasts lying down. Do you feel anything? Is there a lump or mass? Use the “up and down” method to feel your breast tissue.

If anything looks and/or feels abnormal, please make an appointment with your primary care provider or OB/GYN.


Breast Health Education

Breast Density
Breast density can impact additional testing requirements, and will be evaluated during an annual mammography screening.

What is a normal breast?


  • Your breasts are slightly different sizes
  • One breast hangs slightly lower than the other
  • You have hair around your nipples
  • Your breast hurt or feel tender during your period

Not Normal

  • If you notice a firm lump you’ve never seen before
  • Swelling around breast, collarbone or armpit
  • Dry, cracked, red or thickened skin around your nipple
  • Blood or fluid (not milk) leaking from your nipples
  • Redness or warm to the touch or itching in your breasts

Lifestyle Risk Factors

Adapting healthy routines may reduce the risk of breast cancer.

  • Physical Activity
    Exercise can reduce the risk of breast cancer. It is recommended that we engage in 45 – 60 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week.
  • Weight
    Being overweight is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Having more fat tissue means having higher estrogen levels, which increases the risk of breast cancer. Be sure to take care of your weight and eat the recommended calories suggested. Be sure to eat more vegetables and limit processed foods. Talk to your doctor about how you can manage your weight. Learn more about Nutritional Services.

  • Smoking/Vaping
    Smoking/Vaping increases the risk of breast cancer as well as heart disease. It also causes smelly breath, bad teeth and wrinkles. Learn more about our Freedom From Smoking Program.

  • Alcohol consumption
    Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing breast cancer. It is recommended that women have 1 drink or less a day. Learn more about Behavioral Health Services.

Early Detection is the best prevention.

If you are aged 40 and older, schedule a yearly mammography appointment today!

Maternity Care and Family Planning Center
Providing woman ages 21 – 64 who are uninsured or under-insured access to breast and cervical cancer screenings.

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Women’s Center for Wellness
The Women’s Center for Wellness has been named one of America’s Best Mammogram Imaging Centers by the Women’s Choice® for 3D Digital Mammography screenings.

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John. A DeQuattro Cancer Center
A comprehensive team approach combining state-of-the-art technology, clinical expertise and compassionate care to develop a complete diagnosis, treatment and support plan to fight breast cancer.

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