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Early Detection Program

Getting regular mammograms, pap tests and other health screenings is critical to early detection of cancers and other health concerns.

To support early detection, ECHN participates in the following: 

Connecticut Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program
This program provides a clinical breast exam, Pap test and mammogram free of charge to women who meet eligibility requirements. The objective of the program is to increase the number of women who receive breast and cervical cancer screenings, diagnostics and treatment referral services.

This program is available for women between 21 – 64 years and includes:

  • Office visits
  • Screening and diagnostics mammograms
  • Breast biopsies
  • Breast ultrasounds
  • Pap Tests
  • Clinical Breast Exams
  • HPV Screening
  • Cardiovascular screening
  • Surgical consultations
  • WISEWOMAN (If eligible)

If you would like to be a part of the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program call 860.872.5368 to find out and schedule your appointments today

For more information about the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program, click here.


Connecticut WISEWOMAN Program 
The Well-Integrated Screening and Evaluation for Women Across the Nation (WISEWOMAN) is a program put together by the CT Department of Public Health, sponsored by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, helps women identify and develop healthy lifestyle changes which can have a direct impact on one’s health.

Women age 35 to 64, who are currently enrolled in the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program, are eligible to participate in the Connecticut WISEWOMAN Program. They must also have an income at or below 250% of the federal poverty level, have no health insurance, have an insurance deductible of $1,000 or more or have health insurance that excludes routine blood pressure screening, lipid profile and blood glucose screenings.

This lifestyle modification program helps women improve diet, physical activity and other healthy life habits to prevent, delay or control heart disease, chronic diseases and certain cancers.

Each participant works with a Community Health Navigator to assess individual risk facts and design a plan to reach healthy nutrition and physical activity goals. WISEWOMAN also includes, in addition to the services available through the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Early Detection program, free health screenings, such as blood pressure testing, cholesterol testing and glucose testing for prediabetes and diabetes.

If you apart of the Connecticut Breast and Cervical Early Detection Program, you may be eligible to join the WISEWOMAN program. Call 860.872.5368 to find out and schedule your appointments today

For more information about the WISEWOMAN Program, click here.